前端开发 转unity_Unity仪表板-汲取的经验教训可扩展我们的前端,开发文化和流程...
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前端开发 转unity

by Maciej Gurban

通过Maciej Gurban

Unity仪表板-汲取的经验教训可扩展我们的前端,开发文化和流程 (Unity Dashboard — lessons learned scaling our frontends, development culture, and processes)

At Unity, we’ve recently set out to improve our Dashboards — an undertaking which dramatically changed not only our frontend tech stack, but also the ways we work and collaborate.


We’ve developed best practices and tooling to help us scale our frontend architecture, build products with great UX and performance, and to ship new features sooner.


This article gathers these practices and aims to provide as much reasoning behind each decision as possible. But first, some context.

本文收集了这些实践,旨在为每个决策提供尽可能多的理由。 但是首先,一些背景。

传统 (The Legacy)

Looking at the number of engineers, Unity more than quadrupled its headcount in the last 4 years. As the company grew both organically and through acquisitions, its product offering grew as well. While the products developed originally at Unity were largely uniform in terms of tech and design language, the newly acquired ones naturally were not.

从工程师人数来看,Unity在过去4年中的员工人数增长了三倍多。 随着公司有机增长和通过收购实现增长,其产品供应也随之增长。 虽然最初在Unity开发的产品在技术和设计语言方面基本上是统一的,但是新收购的产品自然不是。

As a result we had multiple visually distinct dashboards which worked and behaved differently and which shared no common navigational elements. This resulted in poor user experience and frustrated users. In the very literal sense, the state of frontends of our products was costing us revenue.

结果,我们有了多个视觉上截然不同的仪表板,它们的工作方式和行为均不同,并且没有共享通用的导航元素。 这导致不良的用户体验和沮丧的用户。 从字面上看,我们产品的前端状态使我们损失了收入。

After analyzing the portfolio of our products, we’ve elicited three distinct sections Unity Dashboard would be split into: Develop, Operate and Acquire , each satisfying a different business need and meant for different customer groups, thus containing feature sets largely independent from each other.

在分析了我们产品的组合之后,我们得出了Unity Dashboard的三个不同部分:开发,操作和获取,分别满足不同的业务需求并针对不同的客户群,因此包含彼此基本独立的功能集。

This new structure, and the introduction of common navigational elements aimed to solve the first major issue our users were facing — where to find the information and configuration options they’re looking for, and while it all looked good on paper, the journey how to get there were far from obvious.


注意事项 (Considerations)

Many of our developers were very excited about the possibility of moving to React and its more modern tech stack. As these solutions had been battle tested in large applications, and had their best practices and conventions mostly ironed out, things looked very promising.

我们的许多开发人员对迁移到React及其更现代的技术堆栈的可能性感到非常兴奋。 这些解决方案已经在大型应用程序中经过了实战测试,并且大多数最佳实践和惯例都被淘汰了,因此事情看起来很有希望。

Nevertheless, what our developers knew best and what most of our actively developed applications were written in was AngularJS. Deciding to start migrating everything in one go would have been a disaster waiting to happen. Instead we set out to test our assumptions on a much smaller scale first.

尽管如此,我们的开发人员最了解的是什么,而大多数积极开发的应用程序是用AngularJS编写的。 决定一次迁移所有内容将是一场灾难,等待发生。 相反,我们着手首先以较小的规模测试我们的假设。

Perhaps the most disjointed group of products we’ve had were the Monetization dashboards. These projects, which would eventually end up under the umbrella of the Operate dashboard, were vastly different in almost any way possible: technologies used, approach to UI/UX, development practices, coding conventions — you name it.

也许我们拥有的最脱节的产品是获利仪表板 。 这些项目最终将在Operate仪表板的保护下结束在几乎所有可能的方式上都大不相同:所使用的技术,UI / UX的方法,开发实践,编码约定-随便您。

Here’s what the situation roughly looked like:


After some brainstorming we identified the main areas which we’d need to work on to bring all the products together:


1.单一产品 (1. A single product)

We needed these dashboards (split across multiple applications, domains and tech stacks) to:


  • Feel like a single product (no full page redirects as the user navigates through pages of all the different applications)

  • Have a consistent look and feel

  • Include common navigational elements are always visible and look the same, no matter which part of the dashboard the user is visiting


2.旧版支持 (2. Legacy support)

While we did have a clean slate when it comes to the technology choice of our new frontend solution, we had to accommodate for the legacy projects which needed to be integrated into the new system. A solution, which didn’t involve big refactoring efforts, and which wouldn’t stop feature development, or drag for months without end in sight.

尽管在新前端解决方案的技术选择方面确实做到了明确,但我们必须适应需要集成到新系统中的旧项目。 一个解决方案,不需要大量的重构工作,也不会停止功能开发,也不会拖延几个月而无人问津。

3.实践和工具 (3. Practices and tooling)

While nearly all the teams used AngularJS, different tools were being used to address the same set of challenges. Different test runners and assertion libraries, state management solutions or lack thereof, jQuery vs native browser selectors, SASS vs LESS, charting libraries etc.

尽管几乎所有团队都使用AngularJS,但使用了不同的工具来应对相同的挑战。 不同的测试运行程序和断言库,状态管理解决方案或缺少它们,jQuery与本机浏览器选择器,SASS与LESS,图表库等。

4.开发人员的生产力 (4. Developer productivity)

Since every team had their own solution to developing, testing and building their application, the development environment was often riddled with bugs, manual steps, and inefficiencies.


Additionally, many of our teams work in locations separated by a 10 hour difference (Helsinki, Finland and San Francisco), which makes efficient decision-making on any shared pieces a real challenge.


新的 (The New)

Our main areas of focus were to:


  1. Encourage and preserve agile ways of working in our teams, and to let the teams be largely independent from one another

  2. Leverage and develop common tooling and conventions as much as possible, to document them, and make them easily accessible and usable


We believed that achieving these the goals would significantly improve our time to market and developer productivity. For that to happen, we required a solution which would:

我们认为,实现这些目标将大大缩短我们的上市时间和开发人员的生产力。 为此,我们需要一个解决方案,该解决方案将:

  • Build product features with better user experience


  • Improve code quality


  • Allow for better collaboration without blocking anybody’s work progress in the process.


We also wanted to encourage and ease-in the move to a modern tech stack to make our developers more satisfied with their work, and to over time move away from our antiquated frameworks and tooling.


The ever-evolving result of our work is a React-based SPA built inside a monorepository where all the pages and bigger features get built into largely independent code bundles loaded on demand, and which can be developed and deployed by multiple teams at the same time.


As a means of sandboxing all the legacy applications but still displaying them in the context of the same new application, we load them inside an iframe from within which they can communicate with the main SPA using a message bus implemented using the API.

作为对所有旧应用程序进行沙箱处理,但仍将它们显示在同一新应用程序上下文中的一种方法,我们将它们加载到iframe中,在其中它们可以使用通过 API实现的消息总线与主SPA通信。

单一存储库 (The monorepository)

Here’s the directory structure we started out with:


/src   /components  /scenes    /foo      /components      package.json      foo.js    /bar      /components      package.json      bar.js package.json index.js

The package.json in the root directory contains a set of devDependencies responsible for development, test and build environment of the whole application, but also contains dependencies of the core of the application (more on that a bit later).


All the larger UI chunks are referred to as scenes. Each scene contains a package.json where dependencies used by that scene’s components are defined. This makes two things possible:

所有较大的UI块均称为场景 。 每个场景都包含package.json ,其中定义了该场景的组件所使用的dependencies 。 这使两件事成为可能:

  1. Deployment updates only the files which have changed


    The build step compiles separate vendor and app bundles for each scene, naming each using a hash which will change only when contents of the file have changed. This means our users only download files which have changed since their last visit, and nothing more.

    构建步骤针对每个场景分别编译供应商和应用程序捆绑包,并使用散列命名每个散列,仅当文件内容更改时,散列才会更改。 这意味着我们的用户仅下载自上次访问以来已更改的文件,仅此而已。

  2. Scenes are loaded only when needed


    We load all scenes asynchronously and on demand which drastically improves the load times of the whole application. The “on demand” here usually means visiting a specific route, or performing a UI action which performs a

    我们异步并按需加载所有场景,从而大大缩短了整个应用程序的加载时间。 这里的“按需”通常是指访问特定的路线,或执行执行以下操作的UI操作:


Here’s how such setup looks in practice (simplified for readability):


// In src/routes.jsconst FooLoader = AsyncLoadComponent( () => import(‘src/scenes/foo/foo’), GenericPagePreloader,);
// In src/scenes/foo/foo.js

The AsyncLoadComponent is a thin wrapper around , additionally accepting a preloader component, the same one passed through fallback to , and a delay after which the preloader should be rendered if the scene hasn’t finished loading.

AsyncLoadComponent一个瘦包装器,还接受一个预加载器组件,该组件通过回退传递到 ,并且延迟了一个延迟,如果场景尚未完成加载,则应渲染该预加载器。

This is useful when making sure our users see the same preloader without any interruption or flash of content from the moment a scene is requested to the moment when all of its files have been downloaded, all of the critical API requests have completed, and the component has finished rendering.


组件层 (Component tiers)

As each application grows, its directory structure and abstractions evolve along with it. After roughly half a year of building and moving features to the new codebase, having a single components directory proved insufficient.We needed our directory structure to inform us about:

随着每个应用程序的增长,其目录结构和抽象也随之发展。 经过大约半年的构建并将功能迁移到新代码库后,仅拥有一个components目录被证明是不够的。我们需要使用目录结构来告知我们:

  • Have the components been developed to be generic, or are they meant only for a specific use-case?

  • Are they generic enough to be used across all the application, or should they used only in the certain contexts?

  • Who’s responsible for and most knowledgable about the code?


Based on that we’ve defined the following Component Tiers:


1.特定于应用程序(src / app) (1. Application-specific (src/app))

Single-use components which cater to specific use-cases within this application, and which are not meant to be re-used or extracted to the component library (routes, footer, page header etc.).


2.通用(src /组件) (2. Generic (src/components))

Generic multi-purpose components to be used all across the application and its scenes. Once we’ve arrived at a stable API for these components, they could be moved into the common component library (more on that below)

通用多功能组件可在整个应用程序及其场景中使用。 一旦我们为这些组件找到了稳定的API,就可以将它们移到公共组件库中了(下面有更多内容)

3.单个场景的组件(src / scenes / my-scene / components) (3. Components of a single scene (src/scenes/my-scene/components))

Components developed with a specific use case in mind; not meant to be used in any other scenes. For cases when a component from one scene needs to be used in another one, we’d use:

考虑到特定用例开发的组件; 不打算用于任何其他场景。 对于一个场景中的某个组件需要在另一个场景中使用的情况,我们将使用:

4.多场景组件(src / scenes / components / my-feature) (4. Multi-scene components (src/scenes/components/my-feature))

Components used across multiples scenes, but not meant to be generic enough to be used anywhere else. To illustrate why simply moving them to src/components isn’t good enough:

跨多个场景使用的组件,但并不意味着通用性足以在其他任何地方使用。 为了说明为什么仅将它们移动到src/components还不够好:

Imagine that so far you’ve had a single scene which contained components used to build some rather specific data charts. Your team is now building a second scene which will use different data for the charts, but visually the two will look pretty much the same.

想象一下,到目前为止,您只有一个场景,其中包含用于构建一些相当特定的数据图表的组件。 您的团队现在正在构建第二个场景,该场景将为图表使用不同的数据,但是在视觉上,两者看起来几乎相同。

Importing components from one scene into another would break the encapsulation of the scene and would mean that we can no longer be certain whether changes made to a single scene’s components only affect that one scene.


For this purpose, any component or group of components, roughly referred to as a feature, would be placed in src/scenes/components from where it can be imported and used by any other team, however:


Whenever a team would like to start using scene components which another team developed, the best practice would be to reach out to that team first to figure out whether the use case you intend these components for can safely be supported in the future. Giving a heads up to the team who originally developed the code will prevent shipping broken features in the future when code you’ve taken into use inevitably gets changed in ways you didn’t expect (because of course, how could you!), and which might not always be caught by the unit tests.

每当一个团队想要开始使用另一个团队开发的场景组件时,最佳实践就是首先与该团队联系,以确定将来是否可以安全地支持您打算将这些组件用于的用例。 与最初开发该代码的团队保持联系,可以防止将来当您使用的代码不可避免地以意想不到的方式发生变化时(当然,因为您怎么可能!)更改已发布的功能,以及这可能并不总是被单元测试捕获。

5.公共图书馆 (5. Common library)

Components which we’ve battle-tested in production and want to extract to our shared component library, used by other dashboard teams at Unity.


颂扬共享依赖 (Ode to shared dependencies)

While it would be very convenient to be able to build and deploy every piece of our application in a fully isolated environment, certain dependencies — both external libraries and internal application code — are simply going to be used all across the codebase. Things like React itself, Redux and all redux-related logic, common navigational components etc.

能够在完全隔离的环境中构建和部署我们的应用程序的每一部分将非常方便,但是某些依赖项(包括外部库和内部应用程序代码)将仅在整个代码库中使用。 像React本身,Redux以及所有与Redux相关的逻辑,通用导航组件之类的东西。

推出变更 (Rolling out the changes)

At the moment, fully encapsulating the scenes isn’t practical and in many cases simply impossible. It would take either shipping many dependencies multiple times over and in the process slowing down pages loads, or building abstractions meant to make certain libraries work in aways they’ve not been designed to.

目前,完全封装场景是不实际的,在许多情况下根本不可能。 它可能需要多次交付许多依赖项,并在此过程中减慢页面加载速度,或者需要构建抽象化结构以使某些库在设计初衷时能够正常工作。

As the web development and its ecosystem evolves though, the libraries seem to become more and more standalone and encapsulated, which we hope in the future will mean little to no shared dependencies, and true isolation between all the modules.


Perhaps the biggest drawback of authoring large-scale applications is performing code changes and dependency updates without breaking something in the process

Using a monorepository makes it possible (though not mandatory) to roll out changes and updates to the code in more gradual and safe manner — if a change causes issues, these issues will only affect a small part of the application, not the whole system.


And while for some the ability to perform updates on multiple unrelated areas of the codebase at the same time would come off as a benefit, the reality of having multiple teams working on the same codebase and not knowing all the other teams’ features thoroughly means that a great deal of caution is needed when building the application scaffolding and taking measures to minimize the risk of breakage.


如何避免破东西 (How to avoid breaking things)

Perhaps the most fundamental strategy which helps us to do so, other than scene isolation, is having a high unit test coverage.


  1. Testing


The unit tests aren’t of course everything — many mature products on even a moderate scale do after all invest in suites of integration and e2e tests which do a better job at verifying whether the application works as expected overall. However, as the number of features grows so does the maintenance cost and time needed to run them — a cost which cannot always be justified for less crucial but still important features.

单元测试当然不是所有的东西,即使是中等规模的许多成熟产品,毕竟都投资了集成和e2e测试套件,可以更好地验证应用程序是否按预期整体工作。 但是,随着功能部件数量的增加,维护成本和运行这些功能所需的时间也增加了-对于不太重要但仍然很重要的功能部件,总不能证明这是合理的。

Some lessons we’ve learned from various testing strategies:


  • Try to unit test as much of the code as possible, especially: conditional logic, data transformations and function calls

  • Invest in and leverage integration tests to their full extent before deciding to write any e2e tests. The initial cost of integration tests is much higher, but pales in comparison to the price of upkeep of an e2e suite

    在决定编写任何端到端测试之前,请充分利用并充分利用集成测试。 集成测试的初始成本要高得多,但与e2e套件的维护价格相比却相形见pale
  • Try not to over-react by starting to write e2e tests for things that weren’t caught by unit or integration tests. Sometimes, the processes or tooling are at fault

    开始编写针对单元或集成测试未发现的东西的端到端测试,以免React过度。 有时,过程或工具有问题
  • Let test cases explain UI behavior rather than implementation details

  • Automated tests cannot fully replace manual testing


2. Minimize the surface of shared code


Aside from testing, code re-used across the whole application is kept to a reasonable minimum. One of the most useful strategies so far has been to move the most commonly used components and code to a shared component library, from where they are used as dependencies in scenes which need them. This allows us to roll out most of the changes progressively, on a per team- or page-basis.

除了测试之外,整个应用程序中重复使用的代码也保持在合理的最低限度。 到目前为止,最有用的策略之一是将最常用的组件和代码移到共享的组件库中,从那里将它们用作需要它们的场景中的依赖项。 这样,我们就可以基于每个团队或每个页面逐步推出大多数更改。

3. Accountability


Last but not least, a huge factor in multiple teams being able to collaborate within the same codebase comes from encouraging and having developers take personal responsibility and accountability for the product, instead of offloading the responsibility for properly testing that everything works to Q.A., testers or automation.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,多个团队能够在同一个代码库中进行协作的一个巨大因素来自鼓励并要求开发人员对产品承担个人责任和问责制 ,而不是将对所有正常工作进行正确测试的责任转移给QA,测试人员或自动化。

This carries over to code reviews as well. Making sure each change is carefully reviewed is harder than it might seem on the surface. As team works closely together, a healthy degree of trust is developed between its members. This trust however, can sometimes translate into people being less diligent about changes made by the more experienced or otherwise trustworthy developers.

这也将继续进行代码审查。 确保仔细检查每个更改比表面上看起来要难。 随着团队紧密合作,成员之间建立了健康的信任度。 但是,这种信任有时会转化为人们对经验丰富或值得信赖的开发人员所做的更改不那么勤奋。

To encourage diligence, we emphasize that the author of the PR and the reviewer are equally responsible for ensuring everything works.


组件库 (Component library)

To achieve the same look and feel across all the pages of our dashboards, we’ve developed a component library. What stands in our approach, is that new components are almost never developed within that library.

为了在仪表板的所有页面上实现相同的外观,我们开发了一个组件库。 我们的方法所代表的是,几乎从未在该库中开发新组件。

Every component, after being developed within the dashboard’s codebase, is taken into use in a bunch of features within that codebase first. Usually after a few weeks we begin to feel more confident that the component could be moved over, given that:

在仪表板的代码库中开发完每个组件后,首先要在该代码库中的一系列功能中使用它们。 通常在几周后,鉴于以下原因,我们开始更加自信可以移开组件:

  • The API is flexible enough to support the foreseeable use-cases

  • The component has been tested in a variety of contexts

  • The performance, responsiveness, and UX are all accounted for


This process follows the and aims to help us release only components which are truly reusable and have been taken into use in a variety of contexts before being moved to our common library.

此过程遵循 ,旨在帮助我们仅释放真正可重用的组件,并在移至我们的公共库之前已在各种环境中使用。

Some of the examples of the components we’d move over would include: footer, page header, side and top navigation elements, layout building blocks, banners, powered-up versions of buttons, typography elements etc.


In the early days, the component library used to be located in the same codebase as the application itself. We’ve since then extracted it to a separate repository to make the development process more democratized for other teams at Unity — important when driving for its adoption.

在早期,组件库曾经与应用程序本身位于同一代码库中。 从那以后,我们将其提取到一个单独的存储库中,以使开发流程对于Unity的其他团队更加民主化-在推动其采用时很重要。

模块化组件设计 (Modular component design)

For the longest time, building reusable components meant dealing with multiple challenges, many of which often didn’t have good solutions:


  • How to easily import the component along with its styles, and only that

  • How to override default styles without selector specificity wars

  • In bigger components consisting of multiple smaller ones, how to override the styling of the smaller component


Our dashboard, as well as our component library heavily depend on and utilize . What’s uniquely compelling in Material UI’s styling solution is the potential brought by and their (well worth the read), which make it possible to develop UIs encapsulated by design like in the case of , and solve of the above mentioned issues in a stride.

我们的仪表板以及我们的组件库严重依赖并利用 。 在Material UI的样式解决方案中,唯一引人注目的是及其 (非常值得一读)带来的潜力,这使得开发像一样通过设计封装的 UI成为可能,并解决了上述问题。问题大步向前。

This differs significantly from approaches like which provide encapsulation by convention which tend to be less extensible and less encapsulated.

这与之类的方法大不相同, 按照惯例提供了封装,而这些封装往往难以扩展且封装较少。

生活风格指南 (Living styleguide)

A component library wouldn’t be complete without a way to showcase the components it contains and being able to see the components as they change throughout the releases.


We’ve had pretty good experience with which was ridiculously easy to setup and get started with, but after some time we realized a more robust and end-to-end solution was needed. Pretty close to what offers, but more tailored to our needs.

我们在拥有相当不错的经验,该非常易于设置和入门,但是一段时间后,我们意识到需要一个更强大且端到端的解决方案。 与提供的产品非常接近,但更适合我们的需求。

现有设计文档 (Existing design docs)

The documentation serving as the main source of information about the latest design specification was located in Confluence, where designers kept an up-to-date specification for each component using screenshots illustrating permitted use-cases, states and variations the component could be in, listed best practices, as well as details like dimensions, used colors etc. Following that approach we’ve faced a number of challenges:


  • Material design specification keeps evolving and because of that we oftentimes found ourselves either spending time on updating all the screenshots and guidelines, or let our design guidelines become outdated

    材料设计规范不断发展 ,因此,我们经常发现自己要么花时间更新所有屏幕截图和准则,要么让我们的设计准则过时

  • Figuring out which is more correct: implementation or specification wasn’t always an easy task. Because we’ve been publishing Storybook demos of every component and for every library version, we could see what and how changed. We couldn’t do the same for the design spec.

    找出哪个更正确:实现或规范并不总是一件容易的事。 因为我们一直在发布每个组件和每个库版本的Storybook演示,所以我们可以看到更改内容和更改方式。 对于设计规范,我们不能做同样的事情。

  • Screenshots and videos can only communicate as much. To provide components of high quality and which can be used by multiple teams it’s necessary to review whether each component works in all resolutions, is bug-free and has good UX — this was difficult without having the designer sit literally next to you to see the implementation demo being shown on the screen

    屏幕截图和视频只能进行尽可能多的交流 。 为了提供高质量的组件,并且可以供多个团队使用,有必要检查每个组件是否在所有分辨率下都可以正常工作,是否没有错误以及是否具有良好的用户体验-如果没有设计师坐在您旁边的话,这很难做到。屏幕上显示了实施演示

组件文档应用 (Component documentation app)

Our documentation app aims to provide the means of efficient collaboration between designers and engineers to make it simpler and less time-consuming for both parties to document, review and develop components. To be more specific, we needed to:

我们的文档应用旨在为设计人员和工程师之间提供有效的协作方式,从而使双方进行文档,审核和开发组件的过程变得更加简单而省时。 更具体地说,我们需要:

  • Have a single point of reference showcasing the components, how should they look, behave, and be used — provided for every release — replacing detailed descriptions with live demos

    有一个单一的参考点展示组件 ,如何 它们的外观,行为和使用方式-每个版本均提供-用实时演示替换详细说明

  • Make it as easy for designers and developers to collaborate on components and their docs and do so before the components are released — without the need of sharing videos, screenshots, or being physically in the same location

    使设计人员和开发人员可以轻松地在组件及其文档上进行协作 ,并且在组件发布之前就可以轻松进行协作 -无需共享视频,屏幕截图或实际位于同一位置

  • Separate the designs into what we plan to do vs what has been done


Similarly like before, each release of the component library causes a new version of the living styleguide to be published. This time over however, there are a few differences:

与以前类似,组件库的每个发行版都会导致发布新版本的live styleguide。 但是,这次有一些区别:

  1. Designers contribute to component documentation directly by editing documentation files through the Github UI, committing changes to the latest release.

    设计人员可以通过Github UI编辑文档文件,将更改提交到最新版本, 从而直接为组件文档做出贡献

  2. Component demos as WYSIWYG — the same code you see as an example of how to implement the component is used to render the demo, including any intermediate file imports, variable declarations etc. As an added bonus, components wrapped in withStyles() are displayed correctly ( present in Storybook at the moment).

    组件演示为WYSIWYG(所见即所得) —您以示例方式看到的代码来实现该示例,以呈现该演示,包括任何中间文件导入,变量声明等。此外,正确封装在withStyles()中的组件可以正确显示(此目前在Storybook中存在)。

  3. Changes to the docs and the code are almost instantly visible without checking out the branch locally and starting the documentation app — the app is rebuilt and published on and for every commit.


开发经验 (Development experience)

One of the main goals of code reviews is making sure that each change is carefully reviewed, considered and tested before being merged and deployed.


To make this task as obstacle-free as possible we’ve developed a Preview Server capable of creating a new build of our application every time a PR is created or updated.

为了使这项任务尽可能地无障碍,我们开发了一种预览服务器 ,该服务器能够在每次创建或更新PR时创建应用程序的新版本。

Our designers, product managers and engineers can test each change before merging it in, in both staging and production environments and within minutes of making the change.


结束语 (Closing words)

It’s been nearly a year since we’ve undertaken to consolidate our dashboards. We’ve spent that time learning how to grow a large but healthy software project, how to get better at collaboration and communication, and how to raise the quality bar for ourselves.

自从我们承诺整合仪表板以来已经过去了一年。 我们花了很多时间来学习如何发展一个大型而健康的软件项目,如何在协作和交流中变得更好,以及如何为自己提高质量标准。

We scaled a frontend project not only in terms of lines of code, but also in terms of number of engineers who work within its codebase — a number which quadrupled since the beginning.


We did a 180 degree change in dealing with time differences between our teams, moving away from a model where our teams worked in full isolation to one where close collaboration and communication are an everyday occurrence.


While we still have a long road ahead to ensure we can scale our approach to more teams and to bigger challenges, we’ve noticed a number of improvements already:


  • Roadmap and work visibility


    Due to having one place where all the work is happening, the progress gets tracked, and all the issues are gathered in


  • Development velocity and time-to-market


    New features can be created in large part from already existing and well-tested components — easily findable through our documentation app


  • Code quality & test coverage


    When building new things, a solution to a similar problem usually already exists and is at a hand’s reach, along with examples how to test it


  • Overall quality & UX


    Testing features and ensuring their quality is now easier than ever, as designers, product managers and other stakeholders can test each change on their own machine, with their own accounts and data sets


Naturally, along the way we’ve encountered a number of challenges which we need to solve, or which will need solving in the future:


  • Build & CI performance


    As the numbers of dependencies, build bundles, and tests grow, as does the time needed to do a deployment. In the future, we’ll need to develop tooling to help us only build, test and deploy the pieces which changed.

    随着依赖关系,构建包和测试数量的增加,进行部署所需的时间也随之增加。 将来,我们将需要开发工具来帮助我们仅构建,测试和部署已更改的部分。

  • Development culture


    To build healthy software, we need to continuously work on healthy ways of communicating and exchanging ideas, and text-based communications make this task more difficult. We’re working to address this issue through a series regular leadership training sessions and embracing a more open-source ways of working, as well as organizing a few get together sessions per year for the teams to meet each other face to face.

    要构建健康的软件,我们需要继续以健康的方式交流和交换想法,而基于文本的交流使这一任务更加困难。 我们正在通过一系列定期的领导力培训课程来解决这个问题,并采用更加开放源代码的工作方式,并每年组织几次聚会,以使团队能够面对面地交流。

  • Breakage isolation & updates


    As the number of features and pages grows, we’ll need a more robust way of isolating our application modules to prevent damage from spreading for when things go wrong. This could be achieved by versioning all the shared code (redux logic, src/components), or in extreme cases producing standalone builds of certain features.

    随着功能和页面数量的增加,我们需要一种更健壮的方法来隔离我们的应用程序模块,以防止发生错误时损坏扩散。 这可以通过对所有共享代码(redux逻辑,src /组件)进行版本控制来实现,或者在极端情况下生成某些功能的独立版本。

陈述现在,现在和将来 (State then, now and in the future)

The migration has involved moving away from AngularJS to React. Here’s how the situation changed over the past year:

迁移涉及从AngularJS迁移到React。 以下是过去一年中情况的变化:

It’s a wrap! Thank you for reading! You can find me on LinkedIn .

包好了! 感谢您的阅读! 你可以找到我在LinkedIn 。

If working on similar challenges sounds interesting to you, we’re always looking for talented engineers to join our teams .



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